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Model 1063

WaferMill™ ion beam delayering solution

Delayer multiple pre-selected regions on a full wafer from the top down. The entire process is fully automated; there is no need to manually touch a wafer. The WaferMill solution supports metrology, including CD-SEM sample preparation.

WaferMill™ ion beam delayering solution

Critical dimensions (CDs) of microscopic patterned wafer features are measured by scanning electron microscope during the semiconductor manufacturing process. In conventional CD-SEM specimen preparation, individual dies are cut from a wafer and then each specimen is prepared by a traditional ion milling system, one specimen at a time.

With the WaferMill solution, you can delayer multiple pre-selected regions on a full wafer from the top down. The entire process is fully automated; there is no need to manually touch a wafer. The WaferMill solution supports metrology, including CD-SEM sample preparation.

  • Selected-area milling on full 300 mm wafers
  • Top-down delayering
  • Expose multiple device layers and structures
  • For use in multiple areas of a semiconductor fabrication facility: research and development, process control, yield enhancement, and failure analysis

Advanced tools and techniques for delayering and cross-sectioning semiconductor devices

Top-down delayering, which is a widely used failure analysis (FA) and quality control technique, is very challenging. The primary challenges are looking through many dissimilar nanoscale layers and attempting to investigate different layers simultaneously. We present a semiconductor device investigation development...

Advances in large-area microelectronic device deprocessing for physical failure analyses and quality control

We discuss advances in semiconductor device deprocessing for product development, failure analysis, and quality control using low-energy, argon broad ion beam (BIB) milling. A unique, automated technique for Ar broad ion beam milling of whole 300 mm wafers is contrasted with tabletop Ar broad ion beam milling...

Top-down delayering by low energy, broad-beam, argon ion milling: A solution for microelectronic device process control and failure ...

We describe a new delayering solution for semiconductor quality control and failure analyses using low-energy, broad beam argon ion milling. The results show a large, delayered area, suitable for high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)...

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